We have mentioned cycling and The Rules before – the Velominati, and the alternative set presented previously. Here are some youth specific ones.
Thank you Alan for finding these – a great set of alternative The Rules – intended for Youth Cycling.
To be fair – these are the kinds of things I wish were available when I was younger :D
“I like rules 4 and 38 but most of all my rule ride your bike hard and have fun.” — Alan Overson
I think there is something we can all learn from these. The original was found over at Youth Cycle Sport – well worth checking out. So without further a-do … an alternative The Rules:
Rule #1
The best riders don’t care which bike brand they ride or how much their bike is worth – they just make sure it works well, that it fits them properly, and that it’s clean.
Rule #2
You don’t need the best, most expensive equipment to succeed. If you have a steel bike see how many carbon bikes you can beat…
Rule #3
Learn how your bike works. If there’s a problem in a race you’ll have a better chance of putting it right yourself.
Rule #4
Wear whatever you like, whether that’s team replica kit, flappy shorts and a T-shirt, whatever. Anyone who judges your cycling based on what you’re wearing isn’t worth listening to.
Rule #5
But if you’re a member of a club, do wear your club kit and wear it with pride.
Rule #6
Respect your opponents. Rip each other’s legs off during the race, of course, but shake hands afterwards.
Rule #7
See that rider who got lapped? They’re trying just as hard as you are.
Rule #8
No tantrums please when something hasn’t gone your way. That’s not how things are done in cycling.
Rule #9
The top youth riders still fit their training and racing around school or college – not the other way round.
Rule #10
It’s never too early to put something back into the sport. Offer help to younger riders, help to run your club’s race, help out at coaching sessions.
Rule #11
You’re probably a role model to younger riders without knowing it. Set the best example to them that you can.
Rule #12
Always do your best to finish a race even if it has gone badly. It will help build your character for tough moments in the future. And anyway, deciding to DNF voluntarily becomes a habit.
Rule #13
When the weather’s bad and you don’t fancy going out, remember that no-one returns from a bike ride regretting that they had gone out.
Rule #14
Races and coaching sessions are a privilege. Every now and again remember to thank the organiser, marshals, the people serving in the tea-hut…
Rule #15
Not all teenagers “get” cycling. If friends always give you hassle about your cycling then maybe they’re not such good friends.
Rule #16
Spend time with your non-cycling friends & family. See them at parties, go to the cinema together. Yes, commit to cycling but don’t let it take over your life.
Rule #17
If wanting to fit in at school is stopping you from cycling, or if you want to conform a bit more, those things will seem totally insignificant when you are twenty years old. Ride your bike, for yourself. It will be worth it.
Rule #18
Even if you’re not the fastest rider or the most confident person don’t let yourself be given a label early on. Be brave enough to follow your dreams.
Rule #19
The desire to train and race needs to come from you, not from your parents.
Rule #20
It’s normal to doubt yourself sometimes – even Olympic champions do it.
Rule #21
Hard work will always beat talent if talent doesn’t work hard. Don’t be put off racing if you’re not immediately good at it.
Rule #22
Try to be the best you can be. That doesn’t mean always winning – it means working to get the very best out of yourself.
Rule #23
Yes, have big goals and dreams but stay grounded. Even if you don’t get to the highest level you can still enjoy the sport and be very competitive.
Rule #24
Just because another kid keeps winning doesn’t mean they’re unbeatable. With hard work your time will come.
Rule #25
Just because you keep winning doesn’t mean you’re unbeatable. Other kids will be working hard to beat you.
Rule #26
Forget about race points and the National Youth Rankings – they honestly don’t matter to anyone.
Rule #27
Don’t worry if you’re smaller than other riders your age. Cycling is a sport where being small and light can be an advantage.
Rule #28
Don’t worry if you’re bigger than other riders your age. Cycling is a sport where being big and strong can be an advantage.
Rule #29
Be prepared to race against faster people and to ride bigger races. It’s tempting to take the safe option but that won’t help you develop as a rider.
Rule #30
Your race performance isn’t defined by your result. Focus on doing the best performance you can and not worrying about the outcome.
Rule #31
Count your race as a success if: you executed your race plan properly; if you tried your hardest; if you tried something new; if you attacked; if you didn’t get dropped; if you lasted longer in the bunch than last time; or if you crashed but got back on.
Rule #32
Learn from your mistakes – that helps you to improve in the future. Great riders learn far more from their “bad” races than their good ones.
Rule #33
Don’t do every possible race. Sometimes it’s better to go training instead, or go out with friends, or maybe just sleep..? Anyway, your parents need a break from racing too!
Rule #34
If you’ve been unwell, haven’t had enough rest, or if you’ve had a tough week at school or college then you mustn’t expect to be flying at the weekend.
Rule #35
Keep a training diary. Record how well you’ve slept and note down your “feel good factor” each day. Look back at it now and again to begin to understand yourself.
Rule #36
Keep doing other sports as well as cycling. And do as many different disciplines of cycling as you can. Don’t specialise too early.
Rule #37
Don’t focus your ambition entirely on joining British Cycling’s programmes – keep an open mind and don’t be disheartened if you aren’t accepted. There are other opportunities to develop.
Rule #38
Sometimes just go for a ride for the fun of it. Not every ride should be a training session or a race.