Following this years AGM last Wednesday 23rd November 2016 – the minutes and overview have been circulated out to members using the BC management portal.
At the end of the evening the committee stood as:
Club Chairman – Steve Sharp
Club Secretary – Mark Allen
Treasurer – Nick Rowlands
Club Welfare Officer – Sarah Overson
Women’s Development Secretary – Julie Allen
TT Secretary – Andy Malcolm
MTB Secretary – Justin Lewis
Social Secretary – Alex Clewett
Kit Secretary – Mandy Rowlands
Race Secretary – Simon Parkinson
Membership Secretary – Sally Cunliffe
Go Ride Representative – Pete Lessiter
Junior Secretary – [ NONE ]
Eleven Committee members and ten others were in attendance. The evening took the form of a short presentation, review of finances, and the discussion points for the evening.


Membership is now at 164 members – a 6% growth over last year;
Female Membership is up to 66 now – a growth of 29% over last years figures;
Under 18’s up to 54 – a growth of 38% since last year.


Coaches are down by two since last year, however VC Melyd have 1 Level 3 British Cycling coach, and 5 Level 2 Coaches;
VC Melyd have delivered over 2000 years of coaching were delivered at Marsh Tracks – 10% up on last year;
VC Melyd have delivered six Go Ride Race events were delivered – four more than last year.


Maintained Go Ride, and Club Mark accreditations;
Welsh Cycling Club of the Year – nomination – and runner up again;
Welsh Cycling Volunteer of the Year – nomination – and runner up again.

AGM Notes and Actions

Present at Meeting

Mandy Rowlands

Gwen Brockley

Simon Parkinson

Julie Allen

Chris Winn

Kevin Hornsby

Nick Rowlands

Paul Rutt

Mark Allen

Alan Overson

Pete Lessiter

Greg Powell

Sarah Overson

Alex Clewett

Carol Powell

Sue Seller

David Owen Booth

Steve Sharp

Kath Sparrow

Sally Cunliffe

Richard Addison

2016 Overview

  • Recognised good growth in the again during 2016 – with especially strong growth in under 18’s and female membership. Special thanks to Pete & Julie for leading the regular coaching session that have supported this growth

  • Question on membership split by age – total club membership is 164 – female splits as 39 over 18 and 27 under 18 and male splits as 71 over 18 and 27 under 18.

Financial Summary

  • Recognised good stable position of the club

  • Discussion on giveaway of kids kit – agree to continue, but look to fund raising from parents to support – action for coffee mornings – Pete to lead conversation with parents at coaching sessions

Committee Membership

  • Steve Sharp’s nomination accepted as Chairman

  • Sally Cunliffe’s nomination accepted as Membership Secretary

  • Pete Lessiter’s nomination accepted as Go Ride Representative

  • Alex Clewett was nominated and accepted on the night to fill the position of Social Secretary

  • All other positions remain unchanged

Discussion around how to attract an under 18 member onto the committee to fill the Junior Secretary position – Chris Winn and Alex Clewett to address via the young ambassador program.

Club Specifics

  • Club volunteers

    • Agreed that those that have and continue to volunteer are a credit to the club and facilitate the events we host, but, we cannot take them for granted

    • Agreed that those asked say that volunteering give them a ‘buzz’

    • But, we need to help in explaining the role of a volunteer – action to write simple descriptions of the roles and capture some testimonials from those that have volunteered – host on FB & website

    • We also need to ensure we recognise those that do volunteer – discussion around offering FoC kit, ride alone in race convey cars etc. – actions to be agreed at first committee meeting in 2017

  • Coaching

    • Very similar to above – pool of volunteer coaches who need a little more help to spread the load, but we haven’t publicised what a coach is, how to access training and specifically what help we need

    • Agreed that the parent group should be approach to look for the next batch of formal coaches, plus helpers with task like bike allocation etc. – Thursday coaches to kick off conversations and specific to be agreed at first committee meeting in 2017

  • Ride plans

    • Agreed that we’ll keep going with the rota system (can those that do ride regularly please do help).

    • We will stick with one planned route until the 26th March (when the clocks change) – then go back to two routes.

    • During the winter we should try and maintain a cohesive group on the road.

    • Those wanting a faster winter ride will have the option of rendezvousing at the café – Alan is likely to lead these rides.

    • For those selecting which ride to do, they should be respectful of the estimated average speed and pick routes that are achievable – this should avoid frustration on all sides – some updates will be suggested for the website.

    • Route planners should also plan sensibly.

    • We also asked that route planners do actually ride on the day – if they are not available – they should swap with someone who is going to be there.


  • Winter training camp – target w/c 11th March – Alan to arrange FB posting to capture likely numbers (£500 based on two sharing a room, £575 single occupancy – plus fligts).

  • Discussed providing more content for the web site – some of the above will lead to some update, but more news articles etc. are requested.

  • Social rides / quiz nights etc. with other clubs discussed – Alex & Steve to plan.

  • Mince pie bimble – 24th December – 10am from the Nature Reserve – then back to #13 for mince pies etc – collection this year in aid of St. Kentigerns.

  • Turkey ride – 28th December – Steve to confirm details.

Steve closed the meeting, thanked all those for attending