Ever wonder who those people where at race events on the motorbikes, stopping traffic, the ones who do not look like local your average club members giving up their time? Well, I am glad you asked – they are CSAS Marshals (Community Safety Accreditation Scheme).

“CSAS was established by the Police Reform Act of 2002 the scheme allows Chief Constables to empower accredited employees of Welsh Cycling powers that have before only been available to the Police Service. CSAS marshals can now stop and direct traffic and pedestrians”

Posted by Mark an interesting article on what it is to be a CSAS Marshal

Red flag, whistle, florescent bib and absolutely no authority whatsoever to do anything other than warn motorists of an approaching cycle race. How times have changed and I can say after many years of being a CSAS trained marshal, my own safety and that of the riders has been vastly improved. Add in our motorcycle escort team, NEG Wales, and organisers have all the tools to run safer road racing.
The police training is brilliant and what you get from just giving one day to our sport is immeasurable. Most importantly, it gives race organisers and CSAS co-ordinator, Will Pring, a pool of people to ensure races are safely manned. At times, that pool is shallow and the same faces appear at the roadside. We need more. If it’s in the back of your mind, bring it to the front and be part of road racing. ” — Roger Sims.