Many of us who have entered in the past, or entered this year will have received an email from the organisers of the Ffestiniog360. Last year this event was well attended by the club, and a good day by all. As a supporting organisation it would be great to help out this worthy charity. If you have not registered, and you are available – it is a great day out in the park with friends – and it will be good to see you there.
Spring is just around the corner and the 360 team are beginning to come out of hibernation. We already have our web site up and running, visit us to register for this year’s event.
Over 100 excited riders have already registered, so get in early for what has been hailed as one of the best rides of the year. We are capping entries at 500 so don’t leave it late. Even if you’re unsure of turning up you can be sure that your entry fee will still go to our favourite charity Tŷ Gobaith / Hope House. It is extremely easy to register, with three payment options. We love every entry that comes in so please encourage your friends to take part!
This will be our fourth event and we intend to make it the best yet with a well earned cool T-shirt and Welsh slate plaque thrown in with some complementary food. Amber and our lovely registration team will be there with cheeky smiles to welcome you all and get you ready to ride. You can have a coffee, take your share of goodies and look forward to a ride around the mountains of North Wales. The ride itself offers something for everyone. The club lads devour the miles with seemingly little effort whilst we mortals puff and heave. I am sure the end result is the same for us all as we take in the welcome back to Blaenau and feel epic.
Ok, you have paid to enter but how about downloading a sponsorship form and ask your family and friends if they will be kind enough to part with some loose change? If a sponsorship form sounds like a pain you can join our Ffestiniog 360 JustGiving team. This allows you to collect donations without sponsorship forms. Collect donations from friends and family by emailing them a link to your Just Giving page.
If everyone made the effort just to collect a tenner it would make a massive difference to the grand total. Last year we raised over £6,000 for which Tŷ Gobaith have expressed deep gratitude.
You can of course still send cheques to us if you wish. Don’t forget to ask your boss at work or better still ask him or her to do the ride with you! There is a link to Tŷ Gobaith at the top of our home page. A click on their logo will take you into their world and give an insight into the wonderful work they do.
The Ffestiniog 360 will kick start a great summer of sport. We look forward to seeing you all on May 24th, see you in the mountains!“
There is a write up of the Ffestiniog360 over in the reports section from one of our members – if you would like to get an idea of what it is all about. Any questions – drop them a line. See you there.