So here we are – whatever your belief – it is the time of seasonal cheer, holiday, and no doubt a spot of excess in the company of friends and family.
For those wondering if there are any other brave souls heading out over the period – well, yes, yes there will be.
Tuesday 23rd December
The Last Tuesday Night Ride Of The Year (well almost) – The usual ride out from Saints, followed by a stop at The Plough in Saint Asaph for seasonal cheer at the end of the ride;
Sunday 28th December
The Last Sunday Ride Of The Year – Donna being on point for route planning – a normal collective womble around the countryside;
Monday 29th December
The Turkey Ride – It lives on in a slightly revised format. A socially paced ride with a stop at The New Inn, Dyserth for a spot of lubrication. There will then be a regrouping in Prestatyn for a few drinks and the traditional Curry later in the evening.
Thursday 1st January
The Brass Monkey – Nothing says HAPPY NEW YEAR like a Time Trial after a fortnight of excess. See you there!
For specifics, times, people to speak to can all be found over at the Facebook Group – or grab a club member and ask : )
The very best of seasons cheer to you one and all.
….and now a little seasonal music: