Not every club are as lucky as VC Melyd in having such great resource such as Marsh Tracks on their doorstep – and currently Marsh Tracks Race Team are recruiting for youth and junior riders.
It is a great club agnostic progression for talented riders of all ages to progress to, receive structured training from the array of coaches we now field, along with others in the area, and progress to compete.
MTRT (Marsh Tracks Race Team) is currently recruiting for youth riders, for Road Racing, Time Trial,  CycloCross, Mountain Bike (MTB), and Cyclocross (CX) so whether it’s something you thought you would like to progress to, or you know someone who would grow with the opportunity – now is the time to apply. The recruitment window is open from Saturday the 22nd of October 2016 until Saturday November the 5th 2016 – and take up is reportedly good, so DO NOT DELAY.
With the post going onto the VCM FB page late in the week – do  get the word out there – it is a great local and shared resource and should be used.

VCM is our primary feeder club and development of young riders is our goal.

–Darren Wareing (VCM/MTRT)