The much anticipated event of the year has come and gone. I think it is widely considered a great success.
With over 80 of the finest guests, great food, no lack of drink, and merriment by the bucket load – after the initial round of “wow, please excuse me, I didn’t recognize you dressed normally” – the gathered settled down to a fine dinner provided by the kitchens at the Faenol Fawr – followed by the distribution of the much coveted trophies and awards.
The line up of shining stars was as follows:

Mark Allen – Clubman;
Peter Lessiter – Mechanic;
Peter Lessiter – Club Motto;
Anthony Hogbin – Media;
Sheila Addison – Strava Widow;
Flossy Morris – Half Wheeler;
Gary Sheridan – Road Stuntman;
Janet Burthem – Offroad Stuntwoman;
Laura Ellis – Most Improved;

Race, and more serious awards for achievement Lucy Lee, Gerallt Allen, and Dewi Tudor.
Welsh Cycling awards for the club for the most new BC members as the fastest growing, and for Julie Allen for Coach of the Year.
Many thanks to Steve, and Jonathan for the venue and organisation, and to Jules and the band that put on a superb performance – the bar staff who appeared to have coped fantastically given the ‘athletes’ that had such demanding hydration needs. Finally and by no means last, to Paul Rutt, Justin Lewis and Alan Overson for their finely honed master of ceremonies skills.
The raffle raised almost £600 for St Kentingern – so a big collective pat on the back there.
With the party going on into the small hours, some even took it home with them, many started to drift around the 2am point. … and many of them were out riding for 10am the next day. Kudos.
I think if there was something for me personally to take away from the evening – it how many times I had heard it mentioned, and how it felt – the overwhelming feeling of community, family, and enjoying ourselves. What a great year it has been.
Still on the social calendar before the end of the year, we have the Turkey Ride, and the Brass Monkey. You know it makes sense.