Ever wondered what the British Cycling Guidelines were for Group Rides and the like? No, me neither – however they exist. Who knew*?! Either click the link for the PDF, or pan through their suggestions below.
Have a glance through – is there something here that you think we can assist with, or feel that we are not meeting? Fancy bringing it up at the AGM? Either way we will be looking to encorporate as many of these as we can to meet the best practice for the next issue of the ride rota.
*Our British Cycling qualified coaches would know this – just so we know ; )

Club/Group Ride/Training Session – on the public highway
Best practice is…..

  • Have a predetermined start time and communicate the route to all participants.
  • All participants should comply with the Highway Code.
  • All adult participants are responsible for their own well-being during the ride and
    should be prepared for situations such as adverse weather conditions,
    mechanical problems and flat tyres.
  • Have emergency procedures and communicate them to all participants. This
    should include emergency procedures for incidents that riders may experience
    during a ride (eg punctures, mechanical problems, changes in environmental
    conditions, accidents involving one or more members of the group).
  • Have procedures in place to ensure that individual riders are not left on their
    own during the session.
  • All riders should be aged 12 years or older, and be competent at a level
    equivalent to the Level 2 Cycle Training Standards.
  • There is a greater duty of care for riders under the age of 18 years. Therefore, if
    there are riders aged 12-18 years in the group, somebody will need to take
    responsibility for these riders and ensure they are not left on their own during
    the session.
  • Have a signed parental consent form for all riders under the age of 18 years.
  • All riders should be encouraged to take part in activities that are within their
  • All riders must wear a helmet.

Club/Group Ride/Training Session – facility
Best practice is…..

  • Know, and comply with, the rules and regulations of the facility, such as the
    normal operating procedures, emergency operating procedures, codes of
    conduct, etc.
  • All riders should be encouraged to take part in activities that are within their
  • Ensure there is adequate first aid provision.
  • All riders must wear a helmet.
  • Club/Group Ride/Training Session – off road.


Club/Group Ride/Training Session – off road

Best practice is…..

  • Always have a leader in attendance with an appropriate off-road leadership
    qualification that is recognised by British Cycling.
  • The leader should hold a valid British Cycling Coaching License, which includes
    the requirement to have a valid first aid certificate.
  • The leader should only lead rides that are within the limits of his/her qualification
    (eg altitude, distance, environment, number of riders in the group, etc).
  • All participants should follow the Countryside Code (England and Wales) and
    the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.
  • The route must not include areas where riders are prohibited under current
  • All riders should be encouraged to take part in activities that are within their
  • Have a signed parental consent form for all riders under the age of 18 years.
     All riders must wear a helmet.


Coaching Group Sessions

Best practice is…..

  • Always have a coach in attendance with an appropriate and recognised British
    Cycling coaching qualification.
  • The coach should hold a valid British Cycling Coaching License, which includes
    the requirement to have a valid first aid certificate.
  • The coaching should be consistent with the British Cycling Code of Conduct and
    meet the minimum standards outlined in the British Cycling Health and Safety
    Guidelines for Coaching Cycling.
  • The coach should operate within the remit of his/her coaching qualification.

Coaching Individuals
Best practice is…

  • The coach must hold a recognised British Cycling Club Coach or a Level 3
  • coaching qualification in the appropriate discipline.
  • The coach should hold a valid British Cycling Coaching License, which includes
    the requirement to have a valid first aid certificate.
  • The coaching should be consistent with the British Cycling Code of Conduct and meet the minimum standards outlined in the British Cycling Health and Safety.

Guidelines for Coaching Cycling…

  • The coach should operate within the remit of his/her coaching qualification.
  • The minimum age for riders to receive individual training prescription is usually
    16 years old. However, in some instances, it may be appropriate for riders aged
    14-16 years old to receive individual training prescription.
  • For further detail regarding the health and safety requirements of coaching
    groups and individual riders, please see the British Cycling Health and Safety
    Guidelines for Coaching Cycling.

Running a competitive event
Best practice is….

Speak to the British Cycling events team on 0161 274 2020 or visit the British
Cycling website www.britishcycling.org.uk for full guidance on running a cycling
event in one of the following disciplines:

  • BMX
  • Circuit
  • Cycle Speedway
  • Cycle Sportive
  • Cyclo Cross
  • Leisure Ride (on or off road)
  • Mountain Bike
  • Road
  • Track